Federal Service

for Military-Technical Cooperation

AD Equipment
Strela-10M4Anti-Aircraft Missile Integrated System


Strela-10M4 AAMIS is designed for direct coverage of troop units in the process of any battles and on-the march, troop and other ground facilities against low-altitude air-borne attack threats.
The system ensures hitting the aircraft, helicopters, cruise missiles, remotely operated air vehicles in the process of  firing from a fixed position, short halts and on-the move under the conditions of natural and intended optical (thermal) jamming day-and-night, inclusive of the night time and restricted visibility conditions.



The AAMIS is Strela-10 series system modification to ensure the capability of automated sector targeting due to the inclusion of the infra-red system, automatic acquisition and tracking system.
Infra-red system spectral range makes 3-5 μm and corresponds to the spectral range of 9M33 (9M37M1, 9M37MD) AAGM homing head.
In the process of modification the following basic concepts were followed:
  • retaining permissible for the combat vehicle weight and overall dimension parameters and energy balance in the process of new equipment arrangement;
  • minimum scope of launcher and combat vehicle design  modification;
  • minimum permissible quantity of units and cables for new equipment taking into account complexity of their installation and routing inside the combat vehicle; 
  • remaining the crew functions in conformity with the existing operating documentation.