Federal Service

for Military-Technical Cooperation

GT Armament and Equipment
Smerch (9K58 Index)Multiple Rocket Launcher System


The system includes: 

  • combat vehicles, 
  • carriers and loaders,
  • rocket projectiles,
  • command and staff vehicles,
  • meteorological support equipment,
  • maintenance and repair equipment,
  • training equipment and special-purpose ammunition equipment. 


Smerch MRLS 9A52-2 combat vehicle is a high performance firing weapon. It has high maneuverability and capability to fire accurately the planned and accidental targets over the short time period.


Smerch MRLS is popular in the world weapon market. The client is attracted due to the multi-task capability, maneuverability, high reliability, precision and performance.
The wide range of designed correctable rocket projectiles allows for high efficient hitting any group targets at up to 120 km distance.
One combat vehicle is capable to hit with the salvo the uncovered fighters within more than 670 000 m2 area.
All preparation and fire control processes are automated. The MRLS requires 3 minutes to be prepared for firing.
The full salvo takes 38 seconds. Upon firing completion, one minute later, the system is capable to leave the fire position, thus, allowing for escape from the enemy response strike.